Placid Vidya Vihar Senior Secondary School



A warm welcome to Swaralaya 2024, the 35th annual day celebration of Placid Vidya Vihar. It is my pleasure and privilege to greet this esteemed gathering on this proud moment. The distinguished crowd is solemn reminder of the responsibility vested upon us by a community with great expectations  for the future, which we have pledged to fulfil. And with conviction and humility, I can say that Placid has always kept its promise.

In this, coral anniversary of Placid’s existence, I submit before you this report of the school activities of the academic year 2023-24 for scrutiny and approval.

At the outset, let me place on record our heartfelt condolence to those students who lost their parents in course of this school year. May the Almighty grant them the strength to tide over their irreparable loss.

Reopening Day: upholding it’s motto, ‘nurturing for wholeness’, Placid began its 35th year journey on 1st June 2023 with 2802 students and 164 staff members in a colourful and prayerful ceremony held in the St. Chavara indoor Stadium, the coral academic year was flagged of by the new manager of Kristu Jyoti Group of Educational institutions, Rev. Dr. Thomas Kallukalam CMI.

Academics: In strict adherence to the CBSE curriculum, the school followed the NCERT syllabus and, implemented the timely changes, revisions, and additions without compromise. Experiential learning and competency-based education have been the guiding principles on campus since the implementation of NEP 2020 in the previous academic year. The institution remains steadfast in its commitment to executing these principles. In accordance with the mandates of the new education policy, the school has introduced, three skill subjects- Artificial Intelligence, Coding and Marketing for the students to choose from as per their aptitude.

Wilcuma Juniors 2023

The official welcome ceremony to the 2023-25 batch of senior secondary students were held on 29th May 2023 in the Kristu Jyoti auditorium. Mrs. Ancy Joseph, former principal and Head of the Department of English, St. Dominic College, Kanjirappally, was the chief guest.

Renewal Programme- For the spiritual renewal and refreshment at the beginning of a new academic year, a renewal program was held on the 6th and 7th of June at various venues in the school campus for different class of students.

The PTA General Body

PTA general body meetings were convened May 29th, for the parents of Class 1-4 students, and on 10th  June 2023, for parents of class 5-12 students to elect the executive members of the academic year. A joint PTA meeting held on 20th June elected President and Vice President of the PTA.

General body Class 1-4 29-05-2023
  class 5-12 10-06-2023
Joint PTA   20-06-2023
Executive PTA 1   26-7-2023
Executive PTA 2   14-12-2023

The new executive committee members were:

  4. Ms. SHIFA AJI
  8. Mr. SHEFEEK
  10. Mr. T M ASIF

School Parliament and Investiture ceremony

The office bearers of the school parliament was elected on 23rd June. Master Deepak J Mathew and Miss Neha Elizabeth Savio of class XII were elected head boy and head girl respectively and Master Rubin Roji Antony and Miss Learine Maria Vinu of class X were elected assistant head boy and head girl respectively.

The new school parliament assumed office in a colourful ceremony on June 26th.


It was yet another year of excellence for Placid when the SSE and SSCE results were declared. 8 of 185 students of class X bagged A1 in all subjects and 90 of 320 of class XII bagged A1 in all subjects.


The meritorious achievers of the CBSE class 10 and 12 board exams were honoured during the school merit award ceremony Excellentia 2023 held on 30th June, in the esteemed presence Dr. Indira Rajan, General Secretary, National Council of CBSE schools.


Tests and Examinations as per CBSE mandate, to assess the Learning Outcomes were held uncompromisingly and continuous and comprehensive assessment was done throughout the year, for every student as an integral part of classroom activity.  

SAFAL (Structured Assessment For Analysing Learning)

The implementation of NEP 2020 necessitated the incorporation the SAFAL mode of assessment, a competency based, assessment to evaluate the progress of foundational skill in students. Placid had been among the pilot schools to implement it in the 2022-23 academic year. In the SAFAL assessment framework, under each subject several competencies are assessed. SAFAL tests each competency across different grade levels: Two grades lower, One grade Lower, At the Grade Level and Above the Grade level, ie. Below Basic , Basic, Proficient and Advanced.  Placid was at the Proficient level in the SAFAL band of assessment in the pilot study.

Examinations Class I – IX 2023-24
PT1 10 Jul 2023 to 18 Jul 2023
PT2 14-Aug-2023 to 21-Aug-2023
Term 1 25-Sep-2023 to 11-Oct-2023
RTP1 (Class X) 1-Nov-2023 to 10-Nov-2023
RTP2 (Class X) 20-Nov-2023 to 29-Nov-2023
Model 1 (Class X) 4-Dec-2023 to 18-Dec-2023
PT 3 11-Dec-2023 to 21-Dec-2023
Model 1(Class X) 5-Jan-2024 to 19-Jan-2024
Examinations Class XI & XII 2023-24
Mid Term1    (Class XI & XII)  
Term 1 (Class XI & XII)  
RTP 1(Class XII)  & Mid term 2(Class XI) 17-Oct-2023 to 27-Oct-2023
RTP2 (Class XII) 7-11-2023 to 16-11-2023
RTP3 (Class XII) 20-11-2023 to 29-11-2023
Term 2(Class XI) & Model 1(XII) 11-12-2023 to 21-12-2023

PTA and Open houses

PTA & Open houses
Class XI PTA 29 May 2023
Class XI Open houses 16-Sep-2023
Class XII PTA 29 Feb 2023
Class XII Open houses 29-Jul-2023

Open Houses

Class 1-9 28 October 23 , Saturday, 
Class 10 5 August 23, Saturday, 25-10-23  Wednesday, 20-12-23 Wednesday,

Co-Curricular Activities(CCA)

Targeting the holistic development of the students, CCA are given due importance in the campus. Every child who enters the threshold of this institution is professionally trained in any one of the many activities like dance, music, arts, martial arts etc.

Scholarship Examinations and Quiz competitions

Placid opened the doors to various scholarship exams providing opportunities for its students to test themselves against others in knowledge and competitiveness.


IGKO: 10-10-2023
IEO: 12-10-2023
NSO: 21-11-2023
IMO: 31-10-2023
NCO: 28-11-2022
ISSO: 12-12-2023
ICO:  12-12-2023

National standard examination Exam dates

Astronomy 25-11-2023
Biology, physics, chemistry, junior science 26-11-2023

Placid was the stage for a number of intraschool and inter school quiz competitions and Placidians did make their institution proud in a number of quizzes hosted by other institutions too. Three Placidians, Gayathri S. Mia Mariam Xavier and Neha Elizabeth Savio, the only three from the state, were among the one hundred winners of the Sri Sakthi Online Space Quiz Contest 2023. The winners will be rewarded with an opportunity to visit and witness the next ISRO Satellite launch from Sriharikota.

SlNo. Quizzes and Elocution Date Winners Prize
1 Infinitum 2023 conducted @ Zonal Level by NIT Calicut 9-Sep-2023 Johan Cyril Aravind Krishna  (Junior category)   Arjun E A Krishnalal (Senior Category)   Joel Jojo David Chacko (Senior Category) 1st Prize       2nd Prize       3rd Prize    
2 MSGR Cyriac Kandasserry Memorial All Keral Inter Higher Sec. School General Quiz by St. Joseph Higher Sec. School 11-Aug-2023 Maxwell Xavier Kavalam Nayan Krishna 2nd Prize
3 Very Rev. P C Yohannan Ramban Memorial Quiz Competition BMM Pampady 19-Oct-2023 Maxwell Xavier Kavalam Nayan Krishna 2nd Prize
3 Mary Rani Public School Quiz 9-Nov-2023 Maxwell Xavier Kavalam Nayan Krishna   Christo Joseph Jeff Tom John 1st Prize       3rd Prize  
4 Elocution conducted in Mary Rani Public School 9-Nov-2023 Varghese T Mathew 1st Prize
5 Kristu Jyoti College of Management Technology 24-Nov-2023 Maxwell Xavier Kavalam Nayan Krishna   2nd Prize
6 Pansophy by Placid Vidya Vihar Senior Sec. School 7-Nov-2023 Maxwell Xavier Kavalam Nayan Krishna 2nd Prize
7 St. Antony’s Anakkal Sr. Sec.  School 10-Nov-2023 Maxwell Xavier Kavalam Nayan Krishna 2nd Prize
8 Blisstival-2k23 25-Nov-2023 Maxwell Xavier Kavalam Nayan Krishna 1st Prize
  Instrument Music     Tagline competition   Gokul V Nair Vivek Sankar   Karun M Mathew Mahadev A Nair 1st Prize 2nd Prize   2nd Prize
9 Mathematics Tournament in SB College, Changanacherry                 Rubik’s Cube Challenge 28-Nov-2023                             Idris Musanna Hariram Rajesh   Hrishikesh S Karthik R Menon   Kesav A S Gautham C P   Hariram Rajesh Christin Tom Evelyn Maria Varghese Kesav A S Ron Jacob Mathew Hrishikesh S Idris Musanna Bhagath K 1st Prize     2nd Prize     3rd Prize     1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize 4th Prize 5th Prize 6th Prize 8th Prize 9th Prize

Pansophy 2023

Dr. Placid Memorial 26th interschool elocution and quiz competition was hosted by Placid on November 7th. About 35 school participated in the competition which was inaugurated by Rev. Fr. Philipose Thunduvalichira CMI, Principal, Kristujyoti Vidyaniketan.

Health and Wellness Programme

CBSE in compliance with the demands of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India, has mandated the implementation of Health and Wellness programme for School going Children, under the school health programme of Ayushman Bharath. In deference to the requirement, the school conducted numerous activities throughout the year to promote, physical, emotional and social wellbeing of students. The school health programme is closely supervised by the counselling department of the school.

Health Checkup:  Implementing the national policy of special care to the girl child, a health checkup was held for the girl students in the campus in the month of July.

Deworming Drive: In association with the Dept. of Health, deworming tablets were distributed to the students on 22nd September, on permission from parents.

Student Development Programme

The school counselling department is instrumental in organizing personality development programmes and career guidance programs for students. And, they also organize orientation programs and professional development courses for teachers. They are also responsible for  conducting orientation programmes for parents. The department provides timely guidance and reminders to the teaching staff for the completion of 50 hours professional development course- both inhouse and online as required by CBSE.

PD Programme for students
SlNo Class Date Programme  
1 X-Students & Parents 22-Jun-2023 Habits for successful students  
2 VI 19-Oct-2023 Personality development  
3 VII 26-Oct-2023 Personality development  
4 Class 1-4 12 to 27 -Oct-2023 Jimpire Empower Express Camp  
5 XI 6-Nov-2023 Career Guidance  
6 IX 8-Nov-2023 Career Guidance  
7 VIII 28-Nov-2023 Personality development  
8 IX, X, XI 30-Nov-2023 Life skills for psycho social competence  

Placid Vidya Vihar hosted the following capacity building programmes for the teachers of CBSE schools in Kottayam on the following dates.

COE Training Programme for Teachers
SlNo Programme Date
1 Practical Teaching Tips, strategies and Pedagogy for Progressive Teachers (Inhouse) 18-May-2023
2 Accountancy training workshop 21 & 22 Jul 2023
3  Inclusive Education 17  & 18 Nov 2023
4 Financial literacy 21 & 27 Nov 2023
5 Learning Outcomes and pedagogy 2 Dec 2023
Orientation Programmes for Parents
1 Effective Parenting 29-May-2023
2 Importance of Remedial Training for Lkate Bloomers 11-Sep-2023

Special Education:  To assess and evaluate differently abled students and students with special needs with scientific assessment tools and scales, we have special educator facility in the school. The special educator is responsible for assisting struggling students to maintain progress by designing education roles using special instructional techniques and technologies. These students are assisted to modify their behaviour to improve social and academic performance.

Social Service League (SSL)

The SSL activities of the academic year 23-24 was inaugurated on 15th June 2023 by Fr. Scaria Ethiret CMI, Principal, in a solemn assembly held at the St. Chavara Indoor Court. The weekly SSL collection was contributed to the construction of the 15th house in the One Year One Home project. The blessing Ceremony of the 15th house was held on June 14th, in the gracious presence of Rev. Dr. Thomas Kallukalam CMI, Manager, KJ Group. The Once a Week Food Packet collection and distribution continued to provide lunch packets to ‘Puthu Jeevan’ Nalukody, and ‘Shalom Karunya Bhavan’, Mallappally.  As a new venture this year, unused, but unexpired medicines from the homes of the students were collected and handed over to be distributed to the poor and needy through Blood Donors Association.

A charity drive to collect nonperishable goods was held in the first week of December as a prelude to Christmas and contributed to the various homes for the poor. The students of class 11 were taken on a visit to the house of Providence at Kunnanthanam and to spend a day with the inmates and gifted them the provisions. Students of class 8 visited Mercy Home, Changanacherry, with Christmas gifts on 15th December. Similar visits were mad to St. Vincent Poor Home, Changanasserry, Asha Bhavan, Ithithanam, Mercy Home, Chethipuzha and Raksha Bhavan , Vadakkekkara.

A Blood Donation camp was organized by the school on 5th January and saw the generous participation of numerous parents.

Sargajyoti -Youth Festival

The school youth festival had a ceremonial beginning on 9th August 2023 in the presence Sri Arun Guinness, Playback Singer. Onstage and offstage Items continued through the week. Sargajyothi was the gateway to Sahodaya District and State Youth Festivals.

Placid was in the 6th position of 73 participants in the Sahodaya District youth festival and Sagarika B of class XI was the individual scorer with 4 First Prizes.


1. Sera Ann Varghese Elocution(Eng) 1st
2. Jewel Roy Elocution(Mal) 2nd
3. Diya Deepak Light Music(Mal) 3rd
4. Sera Ann Varghese Recitation (Hindi) 1st
5. Diya Deepak Recitation(Mal) 2nd
1. Ann Maria Sachu Folk dance(Girls) 2nd
1. Sneha Sajo George Recitation(Sanskrit) 1st
2. Diya Rose Joji Pencil Drawing 3rd
3. Elrin Job Essay Writing(Eng) 3rd
4. Ashkar Faisal Anchoring 3rd
5. Shreya Anil &Team Margamkali(Girls) 1st
1. Sagarika B Bharatanatyam(Girls) 1st
2. Naina Nalees Kuchipudi(Girls) 2nd
3. Naina Nalees Folk Dance(Girls) 3rd
4. Navami Suresh Pillai Mohiniyattom(Girls) 3rd
5. Sagarika B Painting (Oil Colour) 1st
6. Sagarika B Painting(Water Colour) 1st
7. Sagarika B Pencil Drawing 1st
8. Ridha Jabeen Farook Recitation(Arabic) 1st
9. Gowri Lekshmi M Versification(Hindi) 1st
10. Gokul V Nair Violin(Eastern) 2nd
1. Arpitha Rose Ajay &Team Western Music Concert 3rd

Sagarika B and Serah Ann Varghese made their individual mark in the Sahodaya State Kalolsavam


1. Sera Ann Varghese Recitation (Hindi) 3rd
1. Sagarika B Painting(Water Colour) 1st
2. Sagarika B Pencil Drawing 2nd

Sports and Games

With the rigorous implementation of Health and Wellbeing activities, sports and games have gained an importance as never before. Following the curriculum physical education is a compulsory part of daily school activities. Football, Basket Ball, Roller skating coaching are provided in the school campus.

Placid hosted the 19th Sahodaya Kottayam Roller Skating Championship on 9th September 2023. Placidians participated in the Kerala Central School Athletics Meet at Pala. The school observed a sports week as a part of Fit India Week from November 20th to 24th. It included fitness related debates, quiz and essay writing competitions. other events included Yoga, Martial arts and aerobics displays and an inter house football match.

The Annual sports meet held 1st December witnessed a colourful march past of the four Houses, a traditional torch lighting ceremony and martial arts display. The meet was inaugurated by Mrs. Jessy Mol Thomas, National Kayaking Champion.

Chavara Trophy Tournaments: The 26th Kristu Jyothi Basketball Tournament and the 23rd Placid Decennial Hand ball Tournament were held on 16th & 17th October 2023 and saw participation from schools from the length and breadth of the State. The tournaments were inaugurated by Ms. Mini Vijayakumar , President, Vazhzppally Panchayat, and Rev. Dr. Thomas Kallukalam CMI, Manager, KJ Group wwas the guest of honour at the valedictory function held on the 17th October.

Celebrations, Observations and Awareness Campaigns

Placid is not just about academics and cocurricular activities. We miss not a chance to celebrate; be it National or Regional Festivals, Birthdays and days of importance.

Environment Day Celebration: A special assembly to commemorate the day was held on June 5th, in the St. Chavara indoor court, in the presence of the Principal and other section heads. Fruit tree saplings were distributed to the students in the afternoon.

Principal’s Day: the school sang the Birthday song for its Principal on 14th June, and had a colourful celebration in the presence of Rev. Dr. Thomas Kallukalam CMI, Manager Kristu Jyoti Group and the reverend Principals of the other KJ Group Institutions.

Reading Day: To promote the good habit of Reading and to appreciate the readers, the national reading day was observed on June 19th.

Yoga Day: A special assembly was held on 22nd June to celebrate Yoga Day.

World Anti-Drug Day: Placid Observed the Anti-Drug Day on 26th June along with the investiture ceremony special assembly. Awareness campaigns, poster making competition and cultural programmes related to the theme of the day, were part of the day’s activities. A continuum of the Anti- drug awareness programme was held on 26th August, for the students of classes 8,9 & 10.

Manager’s Day: The Placid Family along with the entire Kristu Jyoti group, celebrated the birthday of its Manager Rev, Dr. Thomas Kallukalam CMI on 5th July.

Independence Day: A special assembly was held on 15th August to commemorate the 76th year of Independence. The school was also part of Har Ghar Tiranga Campaign. In connection with the Independence Day celebration, a colour India competition was held on 18th August.

Onam celebration: Onam had a two day celebration in the campus. Classes 2-5 had their celebration on 24th August and classes 6-12 on August 25th with a ‘Naadanpattu’ extravaganza.

Teachers’ Day: The campus honoured its teaching staff in a grand  ceremony on 5th September, in the august presence of Punnapra Jyothikumar, teacher, folk song researcher and poet and Re, Fr. Tomy Elavunkal CMI, Director, Kristu Jyoti Group and Principal Kristu Jyoti Higher Sec. School.

World Mental Health Day: Observed on October 10, with special assembly by class 11 students that included cultural programmes relating to the importance of mental health, was a new addition this year.

Pi Day Celebration: The maths dept. of the school organised a number of entertaining and informative activities on August 3rd, as a Pi approximation day was celebrated in the campus for the first time.

Kerala Piravi: The 67th birthday of Kerala state, was celebrated on November 1st in the campus.

Unity Day: On November 1st placid joined hands with Sargakshetra Cultural Centre to Celebrate Unity Day with a Unity Run and a palm signature collection against drug abuse.

Children’s Day and International Day against Violence and Bullying: Celebrated as a Pink Day, a day against violence and bullying, the Children’s day assembly had Rev. Fr. Philipose Thunduvalichira CMI, Principal, Kristu Jyoti Vidya Niketan, as its chief guest. It was also observed as bookless day intended to promote creativity in children.

Constitution Day: The school observed the Constitution Day on November 26, with related competitions and Classroom activities.

Christmas Celebrations: Classes 1-5 had an early Christmas celebration on 5th December and classes 6-12 had their grand celebration on 22nd December in the KJ Auditorium.

Founder’s Day: Placid joined the Kristu Jyoti family in celebrating the day of founder of the CMI congregation St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara, on 6th January 2024.

Exhibitions and Science Expo: Placid hosted the Kottayam Sahodaya Educational Expo on November 10th in the school campus and nearly 15 schools participated in the expo. The event was inaugurated by Dr. Josephkutty Jacob, Prof. and Principal, College of Engineering Pulincunnu.

Science Excursion: As an outdoor learning experience, Placidians had a visit to Science Excursion conducted by Amal Jyothi College of Engg. Kanjirappalli on 18th November. The visitors had study classes and a visual treat in robotics.

School Tours: School tours are an experience in adjustments and adaptations in life outside the comfort zones of home and school, necessary for a life outside the campus. Placid conducted class tours to different destinations for different classes:

Class Tour
Class Date Location
Class 12 21-Sep-2023 to 23-Sep-2023 Vagamon ,Kodaikanal, Wonderla
Class 5-8 4-Oct-2023 and 18-Oct-2023 Wonderla
Class 10 9-Nov-2023 to 12-Nov-2023 Mysore

Nature Club Trip: The school nature Club members had a nature awareness trip to Thattekkad Bird Sanctuary and Bhuthathankettu on November 11.

Infrastructure Development: The campus added a new Maths Lab, an Innovation Lab and a 3rd Computer Lab to its infrastructure facility to keep up with the growing demand for the skills subjects introduced as a part of implementing NEP 2020. Adding another dimension to students happiness, the school play ground was extended by a acquiring near by land.


  ENDOWMENTS                                      INSTITUTED BY

Late Sr. Christy SD Memorial Endo.                       :     Francis Antony, MadathilKoonamthanam

Mrs. MariyammaVarkey Endo.                                 :     Mr. Chacko Varghese, Muppathil, Edathua

Late Mrs. Chandra Maria Endo.                               :     M.P. Abraham, Maliampurackal, Pulincunnu

Late Mr. & Mrs. K.M. PakarudheenRawther Endo.:   P.R. Ibrahim, Kallamparambil, Changanacherry

Late Chris Martin Endo.                                             :     Mr. & Mrs. Martin K.T., Koippally, Changanacherry

Late BhanumathiAmma Endo.                                  :     Mr. & Mrs. V.P. Sasidharan, Ambady, Changanacherry

Late V.M. Chandy Endo.                                            :     Mr. Mathew Alexander, Vadayil, Chethipuzha

Mathan Potha Endo.                                                    :     Beena K Potha, Kottuppallil, Vadakkekkara

Mr. Thomas Varkey Endo.                                         :     Fr. Zacharias Prakuzhy CMI, U.S.A.

Late. Shebi N Michael Endo.                                    :     Mr. James Nampimadam, Chethipuzha

Late. Mariamma Thomas Endo.                                :     Jobin Joseph, Thyparambil, Mundakayam

PunnackattuEdikulaScariah Memorial Endo.        :     RejuScaria, Punnackattu House, Koodal

Mrs. Thresiamma Chacko Endo.                              :     Jacob Antony, Vaikath, Alappuzha

Late. Mr. P.J. George                                                   :     GeorgyBabu, Mundamkara, Ayroor, Pathanamthitta

Late Robin Raju George                                             :     Placid AluminiAssociaton

Late Robin Raju George                                             :     Raju George, Robin Villa, Kurisummoodu, Changanacherry

Late Ken Kuriakose Memorial                                  :     Kuriakose Philip,Panachipuram, kurisummoodu


It has a been a highly fulfilling and rewarding journey of 35 years for Placid. Bound by the love of Sacred Heart of Jesus and growing in stature by the divine intercession of our Patron Saint St, Kuriakose Elias Chavara, Placid has many many more miles to go in serving generations yet to come.

We hope that we have been able to meet your expectations. We understand our responsibility to safeguard the interest of the parent and student community, during the period of their association with us. We promise to continue to do our best for our society and for the nation.

I am extremely thankful to the esteemed guests of the day who have honoured us with their presence. My heart-felt gratitude to the Rev. Fathers and Brothers of the SH Monastery, the staff, students and the parent community of Placid, especially the PTA executive members. As I conclude, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all those who are present here, for accepting our invitation to be part of our annual day celebration.